Toenail Restoration and Reconstruction
Whilst split nails have a tendency to catch on socks and fabric, nails that have lifted away entirely can leave you wanting to keep your feet hidden away. Make your feet lovely again with a professional toe restoration treatment.
To book an appointment, contact us or visit Torbay Footcare in Paignton
Cracked, damaged or missing toenails?
At Torbay Footcare, we have a wealth of experience with toenail restoration. Using LCN Wilde-Pedique, an elastic UV gel, we can rebuild toenails and make them beautiful again. Designed to look and feel like another nail, our restorative nail treatment is an ideal solution for unsightly or missing nails.
To find out more about LCN Wilde-Pedique and discuss whether it is suitable for you, contact us today.
When can LCN Wilde-Pedique be used?
LCN Wilde-Pedique is a cosmetic procedure designed to correct the appearance of damaged or missing toenails. With this in mind, it is important to note that although it's not a treatment for fungal nail infection, it can be used to minimise its spread. It is also suitable for use alongside oral and topical treatments for nail fungus.
Damage to toenails is often the result of poor-fitting shoes and heavy trauma to the area. This can lead to splitting, nail loss and other deformities, such as thickening and discolouration. With our toenail restoration treatment, you can prevent further damage, encourage proper nail growth and have the confidence of knowing your feet are back to their best.
For more information about LCN Wilde-Pedique or to book your toe restoration treatment, contact Torbay Footcare in Paignton, Devon.
Call 01803 521 880