Posts by Torbay Footcare
Get ready for summer with a good foot care routine
As the weather warms up and you plan for your annual summer holiday, this is the season for sandals, wedges and flip flops, also, the perfect time to pay our feet some attention. From cracks to dry skin, the amount of time we spend on our feet each day means they’re bound to require a…
Read MoreTop Tips for Sandal Ready Feet and What To Do if You Have Dry Cracked Heels
Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner, how does that make you feel? If you’re worried about exposing your feet to the world read on. Top tips for sandal ready feet and what to do if you have very dry cracked heels 1 Trim your nails level with the end of the…
Read MorePut your best foot forward this Foot Health Month
April is Foot Health month, a chance to check that your feet are getting the care and attention that they need. The podiatrists at Torbay Footcare are offering free 10 minute consultations where we can have a quick look at your foot problem and advise on the best way to manage your condition. We offer…
Read MoreA Plantar Fasciitis Story
Debbie is a busy mum, she loves her life, married to Dave for 10 years who does ‘something in finance,’ they have 2 children at school. Debbie helps her best friend Laura, a hairdresser in the village, working part-time as a receptionist. Debbie loves cooking fresh food for her family, her favourite TV programme is…
Read MoreDesperate for an answer?
Chronic heel pain is commonly diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, but there are lots of other causes from Policeman’s heel to trapped nerves, so the treatment needs to be tailored to your individual needs. Podiatrists are the best people to accurately diagnose the cause of your heel pain and set you on the road to recovery.…
Read MorePrevent ingrown toenail pain by following these tips
1. Cut or file nails level with the end of your toe, if you are cutting, do this after a bath or shower when your nails are softer and easier to cut. If you are just filing the nails, it will be easier before bathing when the nails are dry and hard. 2. Avoid cutting…
Read MoreMy Feet Stopped Growing When I was A Kid Right?
You would be forgiven for thinking ‘I’ve always been a size 7’. Podiatrists see a lot of people with pain in their feet, quite often their feet only hurt when or after wearing certain shoes but it isn’t always obvious to someone in pain why their favourite footwear doesn’t fit them any longer. There are…
Read MoreWhat should I do if I think I have plantar fasciitis?
Frustrated by plantar fasciitis? Desperate for an answer? Chronic heel pain is commonly diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, but there are lots of other causes from Policeman’s heel to trapped nerves, so the treatment needs to be tailored to your individual needs. Podiatrists are the best people to accurately diagnose the cause of your heel pain…
Read MoreWarts & Verrucas – What are they and how do I get rid of them?
Nina takes time out to discuss the identification and treatment of warts and verrucas, including a round up of traditional remedies and a look at the very latest in podiatric technology for solving this age old problem. WHAT ARE WARTS AND VERRUCAS? Verrucas are the same as warts, nobody knows why we call them verrucas…
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